Hollywood Burns - Invasion of the Black Saucers
Hollywood Burns – Invasion of the Black Saucers
Hollywood Burns - Revenge of the Black Saucers
Hollywood Burns – Revenge of the Black Saucers
Hollywood Burns - L'era delle Ceneri
Hollywood Burns – L’era delle Ceneri

Earlier this year I discovered French synthwave/darksynth artist HOLLYWOOD BURNS (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify), specifically his album Invaders (listen on Bandcamp), and was absolutely blown away by how sweeping, epic, and cinematic it was. It pushes the boundaries of synth music by including incredibly technical guitars, orchestral sections, and numerous other elements to create a completely unique experience. It sounds like a brilliant throwback to 1950s B sci-fi movies (the theremin parts especially) while being completely modern. It inspired these three pieces, the first two inspired by 1950s B sci-fi movies, and the third taking on more a French art film movie poster style.